04 June 2011

Splitting my idendity

Twitter is for me a often used tool, not just to hear what's about in the world, but to get noticed about technology, events and to get connected to other interesting people.

Now, because I am also working on own Serious Games, which I call "Enriched Games" (which is a story not for this blog), and because I am a Safety Engineer with all parts of my being and feeling there was now the time, to split up my Twitter account in 3 theme centered accounts:

From now on, I have
  • @haenbee for all things of life, news, technology and science in general. It was my first account on Twitter, and I want to keep it for all the stuff which match not one of the themes listed below
  • @EnrichedGamesHB for all things about Serious Games (aka Enriched Games), including Seaside, Pharo and WebDesign and Computer Graphics. In fact, not just gaming, but all issues which are related to the realization of my games will be covered here. For my plans, I choose Seaside and SVG, because here I have the most experience (which is not much, either) and Smalltalk is still one of the most productive environments
  • @QuMeSA_HB, the account which is connected to this blog, and where I consider things about Software, SW Architecture, Modeling, Functional Safety etc. Especially I want to discuss about the problems I sketched in the last post.
A special role plays AI: also one of my interests, also for gaming, but this theme is really spread over all fields: it touches human being, gaming, software, science in the same time. So you will find AI issues in all three accounts until I have a better idea ;)

So feel free to follow me or discuss with me, I really be happy for every follower and discussion peer to talk about my ideas and of course his or hers. Discourse is one of the most important things, and the Internet today gives us the chance to really do this crossing any borders and culture.

Enjoy !