We are living in the age of Web 2.0. This can be seen because the nice designed Web is growing fast. CSS and modern Web Frameworks like Seaside, Ruby an Rails or Zope give people the option to match aesthetic needs and expectations. Even standard GUI frameworks provide graphical power that a real designer is needed to use this power to gain the best result. The time is gone where the limited, gray and strong shaped windows and dialog boxes been there and to which we believed to be accustomed to the last 15 years. Today we have designed Web interfaces, designed reports, designed user interfaces.
However, the word "design" faces us not only in relation to this "outer" things, the immediatly visible parts of software. Some people also think about software design, architecture design, system design and so on. But in this case, not the aesthetic aspect is adressed, these terms belonging to the inner part of the machine, the functionality, its building blocks of programming. All the things an engineer is called to bother with, not an designer.
The suprising fact is, that even GUIs are not well designed if their functionality is bad. Every developer beeing in contact with customers know this very well. In fact, all User Interfaces need both, aesthetic and usability. In consequence, I simply ask: can it be that the architecure design must have aesthetic aspects ?
The short answer is: yes ! All the years working as software developer in many different companies had teached me one thing: aesthetics is a good advisor when judging an architecture about it technical quality. As all measurement engineers know that the human eye can draw a mean line through data points very accurate, the human perception for aesthetics is very robust. But the problem is, that is is not very explainable, what "beautiful" or "ugly" is, and it is far more less explainable in what aspects "beautiful" design of a architecture guaranties a technical plus for its functionality.
So there is a mapping to be defined, which correlates aesthetic principles which technical creation rules. The goal of such a mapping would be to understand more of the mechnisms of technical design and to be able to teach it. Some simple mappings are well known, though. Symmetry is often a design gool in aesthetics as in technical design. Another is rich simplicity (about this therm I will think later). But there are a lot more, which many of us uses without beeing conscious of them.
But there is help: at the Software Composition Group at the university at Bern (Switzerland), there is a tool developped called Code City. With it, it may be possible to visualize a software such that the aesthetic senses can be used. So this tool is a translator between the technical domain and the aesthetic domain. Of course, this is only one possible solution for this mapping, but it is one we have now ;-). This tool is positioned in the context of the Moose I mentioned in other posts, and because there are efforts to port Moose to Squeak, I will hope that I can use all the other things related to Moose soon :-)